Accessible Flyout Menu

Notes on Implementation

The Accessible Flyout Menu is a custom widget that is not a part of Bootstrap. The source library can be found at

Setting Up the Menu

  • The wrapper around the flyout menu should be given the class .accessible-flyout-menu. This is the hook that the JavaScript uses to dynamically add functionality to the menu, including classes. Note: The widget itself should ultimately reside inside a nav element with an ARIA label
  • The widget should be structured as a nested unordered list. The flyout menu is only intended to descend one level deep.
  • The top level ul should a be given the class .menu
  • Each li in the should be given a class .menu-item. Each li with a submenu should also be given a class .has-submenu
  • Within each, give the menu item link the class .menu-item-link.
  • Each submenu ul should be given a class .submenu and a unique id attribute.
  • Each submenu li should be given a class .submenu-item.
  • The link inside of each li.submenu-item should be given the class submenu-item-link.

Initializing the Menu through JavaScript

  • JavaScript will add utility classes and elements to your menu.
  • You must proactively call the menu build function in your JavaScript. The function to call is window.accessibleMenu. This function should be called after yale-ui.js has been loaded onto your page.
  • It is important to pass a breakpoint argument into window.accessibleMenu. The breakpoint is the pixel value where you would wish for the menu to transition from mobile to desktop. For reference, the breakpoints for the Yale UI Component Library are:
    • sm: 500px
    • md: 740px
    • lg: 980px
    • xl: 1220px

Creating a Mobile Menu Button

The flyout menu does not come packaged with its own layout button. Instead, you should combine with the Bootstrap collapse functionality.

Adding the Icons

The flyout menu uses Font Awesome v4.7 Icons for the mobile menu button and submenu buttons. Add the Font Awesome CDN to your project.
